The live-TV horror of a second plane slamming into New Yorks World Trade Center eliminating any lingering hopes that the initial impact was an accident. Within three hours New Yorks tallest buildings were reduced to rubble and the Pentagonthe nerve center of the American armed forceswas burning and partially collapsed.
Show this short mini-documentary to anyone who has not seen at least 5 911 documentariesThe events of 911 2001.

. 10 Disturbing Raw Videos From 911. Three hours that changed everything For Americans and people watching around the world September 11 2001 is a day that will never be forgotten. On September 11 2001 a clear sunny late summer dayal Qaeda terrorists aboard three hijacked passenger planes carried out coordinated suicide attacks against the World Trade Center in New York.
Rare Video footage that was not repeated. After the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center Kelly Guenther grabbed her camera gear and ran to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade that overlooks the New York Harbor and the skyline of. The attack remains one of the most traumatic.
Artifacts recovered from the. Remembering 911 John MotternAFPGetty Images Smoke rises from the New York skyline on Sept. The September 11 attacks commonly known as 911 c were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by the militant Islamic extremist network al-Qaeda 3 4 5 against the United States on Tuesday September 11 2001.
Smoke billowing from two of the worlds tallest towers. The attacks of September 11 2001 killed almost 3000 people shocked the world and forever seared 911 into memory as a date filled with tragedy loss and heroism. Twin 110-story buildings imploding in heaps of ash and dust as thousands below ran for their lives.
Coverage of the American Airlines flight 11 tragedy during which nearly 3000 perished was the main priority that day for most Western news agencies the scenes of the twin towers collapsing were witnessed by an estimated two billion people - a third of the human race. It has been 17 years since the devastating 911 attacks. On Tuesday 11 September 2001 suicide attackers seized US passenger jets and crashed them into two New York skyscrapers killing thousands of people.
11 2001 after two hijacked planes crashed into the landmark World Trade Center.
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